Simple as pen and paper, delightful like nothing else.
71,426 to-dos completed and counting 🙌
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Just got my beta invite for and it is fantastic.
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Sometimes, you just want a to-do list that just works and has no frills. @clarodottoday does that! So clean and minimal it comforts my design eye.
Can't wait for @clarodottoday to release an iPad/iPhone app so I can quit all my other to do apps. Love the features and aesthetics and it actually works for me.
If you use a to‑do app delete it and sign up for @clarodottoday. Best to‑do app ever.
to my minus two followers, i've been trying out a new app recently and i gotta say, it's definitely helped me get my sh*t in order (most of the time). @clarodottoday